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Klokkenluider publiceert tweede paper: ‘Corona is biowapen’

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Li-Meng Yan, een Chinese viroloog en klokkenluider die naar de Verenigde Staten is gevlucht, heeft een tweede paper gepubliceerd waarin ze concludeert dat het nieuwe coronavirus een biowapen is dat opzettelijk is verspreid.


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Deelgenomen: 8 jaar geleden
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Dit was al in September, geloof ik. Ze was ook nog op Fox News in de Verenigde Staten. De beweringen zijn overigens al ontkracht 🙂 


If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-Albert Einstein

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Nee, dit is nieuw. Dit nieuws is van 8 oktober.

Ze zegt dat RaTG13 alleen op papier bestaat omdat er nooit een levend virus of intact genoom van RaTG13 is geïsoleerd of is teruggevonden. Dr. Yan en haar collega's voeren nu meerdere argumenten aan die erop wijzen dat RaTG13 een verzonnen virus is.

Now, Dr. Yan has published her second scientific article “SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud,” which describes the extraordinary lengths the Chinese Communist Party has gone to cover-up the true laboratory origin of the COVID-19 virus in order to escape responsibility for the pandemic.

For months after the start of the outbreak, China flooded the scientific literature with subtle and sometimes not so subtle messages supporting its narrative that COVID-19 is a naturally-occurring disease that “jumped” from animals to humans in the Wuhan seafood market.

After endless media reports and scientific studies, the theory that the Wuhan seafood market was the source for animal–human COVID-19 transmission was totally discredited, even by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On February 3, 2020, “batwoman” Dr. Zheng-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology published an article suggesting that COVID-19 originated in bats and a bat coronavirus named RaTG13 was shown to be 96.2% identical to the COVID-19 virus, thus supporting the naturally-occurring theory.

Since then, literally hundreds of scientific articles have used RaTG13 as a basis for investigating the natural origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the fact that RaTG13 exists only on paper because no live virus or intact genome of RaTG13 have ever been isolated or recovered.
Dr. Yan and her colleagues now make multiple arguments indicating that RaTG13 is a fabricated virus.

